Hey guys!

So I've been painting my butt off, and got a lot done in the last couple of days! Lets skip the small talk and get right into everything!

First off is a Realms of Battle Board done for a shop in Farmington, New Mexico. I know, doing a terrain piece for a shop in Farmington when I manage the shop in Durango is a little bit of a conflict of interests, but it will foster the hobby overall in the long run, so I'm happy to do it. 

We, unfortunately, didn't have any large bags of flock in the shop, so I ended up going through four different containers of flock in order to finish the board.

Skulls, skulls, and more skulls! There's a ton of little details on there. I should probably wash the skulls at some point, but the board is more or less done! A coat of matte varnish should do the trick.

Also complete is the Imperial Valkyrie I've mentioned. This is my third one in about a month, and I've really got a good plan down to rock through them.

I've used some of the Forge World Valkyrie decals in order to give the model a cohesive look, and I'm really happy with the nose art. 

The Heavy Bolters are removable, and the booms still move, so you can move them out of the way if you don't run them. 

I forgot to get a picture of the base with the flight stand, but you get the idea!

I'm going to try and have one more post done this week before I take off! I've got Space Wolves to work on, and I've got a couple big commissions coming in when I get back, so stay tuned and don't forget to keep checking the blog, the facebook page, and the twitter page!

Back to work!
