The fifth and final miniature from this old five model boxed set to find itself part of my experiments in Death Guard coloration is the guy I decided to make into the unit Champion. I never originally intended to make this guy the unit Champion, it just all sort of happened. When I opened up the box at the beginning of this project I discovered that his head spike was broke off. I found a bit from a Fantasy Khorne miniature that had a skull stuck on it. I attached this to his head and I really liked the results. 

With skulls on his mind.

This simple little kit bashed repair made me think I could do a bit more, so I swapped out his Plague Knife with a sword from a Plaguebarer. My initial thought was that it would just count as a Plague Knife, it just looked different. But when I saw the new Codex and in it they have a model of a Plague Champion with a blade that also looked just like a Plaguebearer's weapon. Well, it only made sense that this guys should also be a Plague Champion. And since I don't think I have a Champion miniature from this time to lead this unit, so he got the promotion. 

The 'Gets Hot! Special' plasma pistol.

But now that I had committed this miniature into becoming the squad leader it only made sense to maximize his potential, so I decided to swap out his bolter for a plasma pistol. Instead of cutting off the gun from his old arm I just used a whole new arm from the '90s era plastic Chaos Space Marines kit. The plasma pistol comes from the late 2nd edition era Ork Assault Sprue. From back when plasma weapons were something that orks used in abundance. These plasma guns looked more suitable for Chaos than they did the Ork line, and to prove the point, here it is on this guy.  I dubbed it the "Gets Hot! Special" since these things have killed more friends than foes since '96 (and yet, like dunces  we still use them...).
View of the backpack detail.

Here he is with all five members of his boxed set.

The Rotten Many. 

I still have many more '90s era Death Guard to paint, but so far these experiments have all been fullfilling and I like how they have turned out. Let's look at their glamor shots now:

Sgt Whitehead*, Plague Champion.

Note that I haven't decided which icons to use on their shoulder pads yet. I hope to have that figured out sooner than later...

The whole revolting gang.

I have two more boxes of these models to build up and paint as well as a few Special Weapons and a banner guy to go with them. It should make a small revolting detachment when they are all done.. 

*Thanks Masta Cheef for the name suggestion.