Well, that went quick. This morning I got an urge to try out the desert paint scheme for my Scions that I started building some weeks ago. So I set about to do five in parallel (which is something I never do) and a few hours later they were done. I tried out a new way of painting which turned out to work very well with this almost monochrome scheme. Instead of doing all the colour fields sequentially I decided to try to do them in parallel. 

I started out with a very rough base paint were I filled out all the major colours and added some details. Then I washed the whole model and started dry-brushing up form the darkest to the lightest colour, moving between areas all over the entire model. This way I did not really have to care to much about "overspray". After two rounds of this I added some details and added in some greens on grenades etc.  I am quite pleased with how they turned out. Apart form sculpting on legs pockets and some chest pouches I smacked on all the small bits and accessories I could find on the frames to make these look more like some spearhead special forces rather than armoured chock troops. I opted for the beret heads instead of the helmeted ones to reinforce the special forces vibe. I will use the helmets for the bikes and top gunners on the vehicles.

Staff Sergeant James Bradley

Corporal Corben Tell

Corporal Jim Meelon

Corporal Angus McMan

Lance Corporal Aaron Tromley

Back side

I really am looking forward to see how this mini force turns out.