Hello all, thanks for dropping in. I have finally after a long time procrastinating and painting the big Titans, gotten around to painting some of my Adeptus Titanicus boxed game mini-Titans.
I plumped for a traitor Legio to contrast my main 40K Titan force of staunch loyalist Legio Astorum, I did think about recreating them in miniature but the draw of painting something different and a different mindset was too great. I also love the Mortis scheme of classic blacks/reds/gold which looks effective, also over a black basecoat is quite quick to do. 
As you can see the titan has been fully magnetised for weapon swaps, each weapon has a 5mm x 1mm disc magnet, the arms two 2mm x 2mm rod magnets and the left arm swaps out with magnets so the close combat arms can replace the ranged weapons. Seen above with the Titan Power Fist.
I bought several sheets of Legio Mortis decals from Forge World (I learnt my lesson from FW withdrawing the large Titan decal sheets - I have plenty) and the main colours are Abaddon Black, Retributor Gold and Mephiston Red, all washed with Agrax.
I also wanted a break from my usual Mournfang Brown bases, and chose something quick and smaller grain sized to help with scale, so GW Texture Armageddon Dust, washed Agrax and highlighted Ushabti Bone and a black bevelled edge - a departure from my normal is refreshing and this different game system allows a change.
It is rather refreshing all round painting a Titan in only a few days and having different schemes, loyalties and bases. I am happy with my choices.
I will have to think of a suitable treacherous name for this traitor Engine! Onward and upward, I have another Reaver, two Warlords, two Warhounds and a Warbringer to add for starters. I'll look forward to some games of AT in the future when back in the country.

Cheers, Siph. (5pts AT Titan)