Happy 4/26 everyone! To celebrate let me show you the final models from GF9's ALIENS: Another Glorious Day in The Corps game. 

Get Away From Her You B***h expansion comes with 5 models and a ton of game components. I will cover the game parts in another post. 

The Queen is a really nice fig with good detail and is easy to assemble and paint. Ripley in the Power Loader, looks great, but was a bit tricky to assemble. You must paint the parts before final assembly or it will be nigh impossible to finish well.

The other three miniatures are: Everyone's favorite non-homicidal android, Bishop! In two versions no less. Well, one version is less, about half-off! (cue drum snare and booing) The third mini is two figs in one, super pissed Ripley holding Newt and combi-weapon in movie poster pose. It really is a cool figure, can't wait to see how badass she is in game.

Go Roll Some Dice

Everyone Can Hear You Scream at the Table