Myself and Lucif3r from Codex of War had a game on Wednesday where I was trying out my new list seen here and his first CSM list with the new codex which he has been developing on the  Papa Nurgle forum here.

Now I am a bad record keeper so this will be a run through of the game with lots of pictures. Please note his Heldrake is proxied by a Doom Scythe (confusing).

We started off with a solid line deployment with my Crons and he took a strong flank approach with his Bikes ready to rush the other flank.

Turn 1

Early damage from me put down a Rhino but not much else.

He then managed to cripple an Annihilation Barge leaving it without Quantum Shielding, Immobilized and only 1 HP left. Good start. His Bikers then made the inevitable rush right in front of my lines. Also worth noting was combined fire taking out all the Wraiths bar one and the Destroyer Lord.

Turn 2

With the Wraiths pretty much crippled I decided to divert and take on the Bikers ( I had intended to do this with the Destroyer Lord anyway but sending one Wraith elsewhere seemed a poor choice at this point). I managed to gun down most of the bikers and I took a wound from his Lord. The Destroyer Lord then tried his best to make the Lord punch himself over and over for a good chunk of the game with his Mindshackle Scarabs.

Lucif3r then advanced midfield and brought the Heldrake on to start toasting my toasters. He moved most of his forces up to the mid table at this point. The Forge Fiend took the other Annihilation Barge down to 1 HP.

Turn 3

This turn saw me pour all of my Gauss fire into the Heldrake. Despite a bucket load of glances he used his Invulnerable and passed all but 2 so he was still on 1 HP.

I think in his Turn the Heldrake got a HP back. He then toasted more of my toasters :( this time with some Vector Strike thrown in for good measure. The Annihilation barge crippled last time finally went down to a hail of bullets form the Forge Fiend again. I think our combat finally ended with the Destroyer Lord finishing the Nurgle Lord finally.

I think in his Turn the Heldrake got a HP back. He then toasted more of my toasters :( this time with some Vector Strike thrown in for good measure. The Annihilation barge crippled last time finally went down to a hail of bullets form the Forge Fiend again. I think our combat finally ended with the Destroyer Lord finishing the Nurgle Lord finally.

Turn 4

I tried one final attempt at taking down the Heldrake this time with preferred enemy from the Destroyer Lord on my main Warrior Unit. I took 1 Hp leaving it on 1 again... 

Lucif3r then charged plague marines in against the large Warrior unit and the Destroyer Lord while pushing his units deeper into my territory. He also opted to fly the Drake off the board at this point.

Lucif3r then charged plague marines in against the large Warrior unit and the Destroyer Lord while pushing his units deeper into my territory. He also opted to fly the Drake off the board at this point.

Turn 5

I was desperate to retain my objectives this turn and dedicated everything to that. Unfortunately, I just couldn't inflict the damage needed. More annoyingly his Plague Marines stubbornly held on in the combat continued from last turn.

The Heldrake came back onto the board and caused more headaches... managing to kill a few guys from the unit I thought were safely scoring. They promptly ran away from the objective........ Finally insult to injury the combat with the Plague Marines ended with one Plague Marine holding my unit from consolidating to score.

Turn 5 Game ended with 9-2 Plague Marines. Honestly, i don't think the score line really indicates how close this game was but Lucif3r has a good list (very similar to the one I have for my Word Bearers actually) and I think I need a little more practice at getting the best out of a Destroyer Lord.

A well deserved win for Lucif3r!

- Martok