Hi all, thanks for dropping by, I often have to work away from the WeeMen Room and all my hobby goodness, so when I have to go away I take a little hobby with me. This is my simple set up at work, during downtimes at sea I can get the chance to get out the hobby - just so I don't forget why I work!
Manage much? Nope, but that's not the point - the point was to chill in the evening and take 5mins out of the day to forget the ship and duties and focus on something a little smaller. This is about all I managed to construct of a Warbringer Nemesis Titan for AT. I sprayed the sprues black before deploying so it was a case of trimming and filing and a little gluing.
This is my little hobby kit, few brushes and tools in a biscuit tin, some paints - limited but enough to progress a Titan if needed.
I also managed some of the prep work for some weapons, a Warlord Macro Gatling Blaster and a Mori Quake Cannon ready now for scrubbing and then painting.

I also was sent in the mail a small Necron kit to have, so I took advantage of the time to get that ready for painting when home.
Now home for a bit, I can hopefully get more done, here was the progress with the WBNT, ready for some sub-assembly painting at this stage.
And just so I could justify taking all those paints with me - I painted a Reaver Chainfist arm for my Mortis Reaver.

Not much, but all progress is good progress on hobby projects!