I picked up the new Adeptus Mechanicus Codex and  Skitarii Marshal this morning. I didn't get the Datacards or the themed dice (I totally don't need). That is because Games Workshop is still having huge supply chain issues. The reasons why are murky, but the people's comments in my LFGS are a bit on the crazy side. 

GW is keeping it for themselves for big profits! Even though all the new stuff is sold out on the website...Big online retailers are getting too much of the products! Maybe? But they are also getting less than what they ordered. Brick and mortar stores are hoarding and selling it on eBay for big profits! (Minus eBay's 10-12% fees) Maybe? I don't know what the issues really are, but it is a little annoying. 
Not like not being able to get toilet paper or cat food, but still. We are here to talk about playing with dollies and not the horrible reality that is life.

On that note, I have given the Codex a quick page through. Same format as all the rest of the 9th edition Codexi. A bit of nice new artwork, and good fluff for some of the Forges. 

We play Power Rating here at Warlords HQ, so I will only be dealing with that. PR has gone down for most units, and that is a very good thing. Weapon stats have also mostly improved. Some options got a bit narrower though. The Rangers can now only have one of each type of special weapon for example. 

Two new HQ choices. The Skitarii Marshal, who I think is a great idea, and The Technoarcheologist! Yes, that character from Blackstone Fortress. Kinda cool. Especially since I already have him painted up. 

The Lords of War are no longer in the book, but you may take a Questor Mechanicus Auxiliary Detachment for every one of your Adeptus detachments. Save a few Command points, and the Questor Kights get to use their own special rules, so a win for everyone.

I had been holding off building my Admech until this new Codex came out. Now it's time to pick a Forgeworld and get busy.

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