So I just completed my second Monolith. Now I have two! Hahahaha! I will be unstoppable!

Turns out...that is not the case. The CP drain on taking 2 Lords of War hurts a bit, but the real problem is that people hate Monoliths. 

Especially when you Deep Strike behind them. Oh, it's fun for a turn, seeing their reaction and near panic. Then, most of their army shoots/assaults the poor Monolith and boom, winner for shortest time on the field...again.
We had a War Machine Rumble (Only vehicles, bigger the better) the other day, Orks with a Stompa, Morkanought, and lots of Dreads vs two Monoliths and assorted other Necron vehicles. I managed to lose BOTH Monoliths in back to back turns to the Stompa in melee combat. The high point was when the second Monolith exploded and took the Stompa with it. Still lost badly. 

I have played four games with a Monolith in my army so far, and have yet to win a battle, or even have a Monolith survive, but they are so much fun, I'll keep trying.

Go Make Bad Gaming Choices
And Have Fun Doing It