Welcome Overlords, thanks for dropping by. Continuing my additions to the growing Necron Dynasty I have added a Hexmark Destroyer to the force. GW says Hexmark Destroyers were once Deathmarks, the Hunters from Hyperspace assassins. "Bursting from their dimensional oubliettes like ambush predators, these hunchbacked monsters unleash inescapable hails of enmitic fire. Independent ocular targeting and optimised firing patterns leave their prey with no escape". Sounds a great selling point however I think MEQ's won't worry too much.
"All but unrivalled in close-range firepower, each Hexmark Destroyer is like a mobile gun battery, able to blast its way through hordes of enemy infantry with impunity" GW says, but its a little underwhelming with only being -1AP and 1Dmg, so unless its a horde you are trying to chew through it will need more help.
They do have a decent rule like the Deathmarks so can appear and shoot in the opposition's movement phase when something arrives from Deep Strike and can shoot the arrivals, just like the Deathmarks and each successful wound lets you gain another shot (up to six original shots) so they can be effective against Scions/Guard Vets and hordes.
Nice additions of some scenery and Scarabs to the base.
I do love the multiple arms, and I thought the GSC Kelomorph had a cool gunslinger vibe with three arms... this doubled it!
Although its quite a small mini, he does fill a large base completely which is a great and the gubbins on the top with all the wires looks great.

Cheers, Siph (10pts)