The Tomb Blades are a unit I didn't think I would end up loving. I bought some many eons ago because you needed them in some fancy formation or some such nonsense. Of course I promptly didn't build them and they sunk to the near bottom of my Stack. Now, with new and improved Necrons, I vowed to do something with all the models I had accumulated. Most got built AND painted, some were sold and traded. I am very glad I kept the Tomb Blades.

Not a super-great-must-have unit, I think they are cool looking, and fun on the table. They give the Necrons a much need fast flanking/harassment unit. 

My one complaint is (big surprise) the base is too damn small. They are very top heavy for such a undersized base (25mm). I will have to try out a few things to see if I can fix that.

Sons of Annihilation
Necron 1%