Another good battle, another dead Monolith. Raven Guard have allied with the Eldar to combat the newly risen Necrons. 

The Eldar and Necrons swarm to seize the objectives, while the Marines hid in the ruins and shot the heck out of the zombie robots. 

The Raven Guard are very good at shooting, and very hard to get out of cover. My Deathmarks arrived from hyperspace and were promptly out-snipered and wiped out.

The Monolith deep struck, (as one does, but shouldn't) did a fair amount of damage to the Wraithknight. Just not enough. The following turn my Monolith was removed by force. Again.

I committed my reservers for a last-ditch grab for the center objectives. A Wave Serpent full of Striking Scorpions quashed that plan. 

Then the Raven Guard broke cover to claim the final objectives and sealed the non-robot victory.

A fast and brutal game. One of those matches were it felt like I deployed every unit exactly wrong. 
The firepower of the Eldar and Marines is quite daunting, and I could not match it. A more cautious use of the Monolith would have helped at a lot, but where is the fun in that?

Execute Shift-Alt-Kill
Need to Update First