Of course, people do try and run from the Inquisition.  Whatever madness overtakes them, sometimes people just make bad decisions when they are under pressure.  Regardless of the motivation of any runners, there is of course, a requirement for those people to be run to ground.


One of the tools reserved for this are a selection of various ground cars, small boats, skimmers (Landspeeders of all variants).  All high performance models, modified and maintained by tech priests of the Omnissiah who serve, for however long, the Inquisition.  They have brought two ground cars with them to Devos IV.  There are probably Landspeeders still on the Corinthian Summer (still in orbit).  These take longer to prepare for operations than simpler machines.


There are two Interrogators who are trained and skilled at driving these things in pursuit situations. Whilst they have a second 'jump' seat, these are not usually used; despite the second seat these are really solo machines.

These were painted by PVP: https://piratevikingpainting.blogspot.com/2016/07/batmobiles-40k-style.html

The models are by wargames exclusive.