This week I present to you; Morvenn Vahl... or Fnyssan as I like to call her (due to the colour combination which is my wife's signature colours). I like this model!, to bad that that other paragon suits are not more like this one. The level of detail is really stunning and lends it self well to dry brushing. I did not go with the box art paint scheme for this model, instead I did it almost the same way as I did the Paragon suits, but instead of covering the metallic green with a black wash I kept the green and give it a dry drybrush to polish it a bit. This last step was just an improvisation but it worked really well. As the model is dry brushed silver in several steps with a black wash as a base, the green wash really pops with an emerald sheen, but it is rather flat. So instead of dry brushing a layer of silver on top of the green I used a dry brush and dry brushed the model. This wore away the green wash and revealed the silver beneath, giving nice highlights with a light green tone. This is something that I need to try again with other colours. Over all I am happy with how she turned out even if I think the green and purple is not really my coup of tee. The army colour's are silver and purple (as set out by my wife) and my addition of the green/black just turned out this way when not adding the black top layer. But it does fit nicely with the darker paragons from a distance as one can see the resemblance in base colour.