Hi Dreadtober-teers, thanks for dropping by, since I finished this year's pledge a week early I thought I'd continue my Dreadtober posts this week with the re-cap of my offerings over the years of participating with this fine friendly hobby event - as you can see from the photo above, the event has been fruitful and I am seven Dreadnoughts better off for my six years of participation.

2020 - Relic Leviathan Dreadnought with Grav-Flux Bombards

2018 - MKIV Ironclad Dreadnought from Forge World

2017 - Modern Deredeo with Space Marine Casualty

2016 - Plastic Contemptor Dreadnought with re-posed legs

Cheers, and great work to all the Dreadtober-teers this year, thanks for the inspiration and the Dreads! And not forgetting it was run by Marc (Old School Gaming) so a massive thanks to him for keeping the hobby event alive for another year! And thanks to the founder Greggles, and Joe B and Todd (Sincain40K) and Joel (Mordian7th) for their contributions through the years too. See you next year Dreadtober-teers!

Cheers, Siph