From Stuff I Have Painted: Planetary Empires
Yesterday was a little tough, so I needed a victory. First off, my Football Club, Arsenal, choked. That happens pretty early on this side of the Atlantic so there was already a bummer by noon. Then, on top of that, my Football team, the Seahawks, spent the afternoon sucking. It was definitely a day for easy and rewarding painting, a slot well filled by terrain. Also, since I was listening to the Seahawks game on the radio, I wanted to do some painting that required almost no concentration. I tend to be "passionate" about Seahawks football, and think it best to not have small, delicate, or crap I wish I didn't just throw, things in hand at game time.

Special thanks to Magnus at Magnus' Project Log for the grip of barricades he traded me for beer. I got the building from a tournament like four or five years ago so I decided it was probably time to get it painted. The colors came from an Antropologies catalog my wife had. I remember looking at the back drops of the pictures and thinking how cool wherever the hell the models were looked. Unfortunately that catalog was no longer around so I had to go for it from memory.
From Stuff I Have Painted: Planetary Empires
From Stuff I Have Painted: Planetary Empires
From Stuff I Have Painted: Planetary Empires
From Stuff I Have Painted: Planetary Empires
From Stuff I Have Painted: Planetary Empires

Sorry about some of the crap pics. The Shed's lighting isn't exactly awesome. Anyway, I was very happy with the way it all came out. I would love to do more like it, but I really hated assembling those buildings so unless I get some already built...I don't like my odds.

Thanks for reading,