I know, I know, it’s been a while, but boy, has it been crazy times. I won’t bore you with details, but school, getting married, recording a full-length album, and a short sale are just a few of the things that I have been doing which has taken me away from my sadly neglected blog. I hope to change that now though. I’ll be going through the blog here in the next week or two and getting rid of some of the old content and start breathing some new life into this place. I’ve still been gaming with my good buddy Colin ‘Thunderhammer’ Holmes, or Dethtron to some out there. We’ve actually been playing lots of Flames of War, and I got him interested in making an army for Hail Caesar; he’ll be fielding Saxons while i’ll be fielding Vikings. I aim to get an article together for this soon.

So anyway, to continue with a not-so-regular feature of WCF, this weeks WTF Wednesday picture was spotted on teh intehwebs by yours truly. It probably ranks in the top 2 for me. The fact that this had to be posted is a scary prospect, but, we’ve all been to that con, or store where there is a definite ‘cologne’ that you couldn’t tell whether it was bad meat or good cheese in there… gross.

For shame. Get some Old Spice maybe?

For shame. Get some Old Spice maybe?

Love the small print…