Amazingly, this model seems to be flying through the painting stages.  I'm not sure if its because I'm becoming more accustomed to the paintjob, or if it is because it is only a single model and so despite being a lot bigger, its a lot less to paint that lots of 5 guys.  Either way, I've amazingly managed to get him to ready for tabletop standard in just 2 or 3 painting sessions, which feels pretty great.

He's got double stage highlighting across all the armour now, and the "metallics" were already painted from previously.

To finish him, I need to highlight the face, then add in the unit and army markings.  There's also a lot of blank space on the model, so I may try doing a few other bits just to break up the large flat areas.  Suggestions very welcome as to how to "decorate" him.

Here's a couple of pics of the base before I glued the dread' on, quite liked the look of it and it was my first try with sponge battle damage/weathering which turned out quite nicely.  Definitely going to have to consider it for other models/armies.  I did mess up the World Eaters chapter symbol, got it a bit mixed up with the great maw from Ogre Kingdoms - oops.

Comments - Questions - Criticism (C-Q-C) very welcome, let me know how you think I should go about breaking up those large flat areas of green.
Cheers - Andy