I am working on some fluff for an Eldar martial order that outdates the Fall of the Eldar and the Aspects laid down by Asuryan. Due to this I have been reading up on every scrap of Eldar fluff I can get my hands on. Read on for what I have thus far.

Originally I had considered a rival of Aruryan's set of Aspects but I met too many inconsistencies in the fluff of the Aspects being formed pre/post fall so I found that a difficult place to start the idea.

I read on looking for more ideas and I found the story of Eldanesh leading his Eldar united with Ulthanesh and fighting alongside Khaine:
Quote from the Lexicanum
In the first days of the Eldar, Asuryan granted Eldanesh and his followers the gift of life. He breathed into the bodies of all future Eldar yet Eldanesh distressed over the emptiness of the world. Seeing his sadness, Isha shed a tear for Eldanesh and let it drop upon the world, from which all new life was sprung.[1a] Later, in the time before the War in Heaven, Eldanesh, now Lord of the Eldar, faced the armies of the Hresh-selain. Allying with Ulthanesh, second-greatest warrior of the Eldar, the Eldar were victorious over the Hresh-selain.[1b] Later, the two, with the help of the war god Kaela Mensha Khaine, again emerged victorious over the nightmarish hordes of the Autochtinii.[1d]However, Eldanesh's relationship with Ulthanesh soon became strained. It came to pass that the ambitions of Ulthanesh and the will of Eldanesh were at odds, and Eldanesh banished his friend into the desert. Meditating for a long time over the wrongs of the universe and the dishonor visited upon him by Eldanesh. The war god, Kaela Mensha Khaine, sensed an opportunity for strife. Sending a scorpion made from one of his iron fingers down, Ulthanesh was stung and the scorpions venom nearly brought him to death. However Ulthanesh would survive, and realized it had been with no aid from Eldanesh. Seeing that he no longer needed Eldanesh's protection, he founded the House of Ulthanesh and the age of division for the Eldar began.[1c]But with Khaine still at his side, Eldanesh continued to vanquish the foes of the Eldar. Khaine met with Eldanesh and promised him not only many more great victorious but lordship over all mortal life if he swore an oath of loyalty to the war god. However Eldanesh cared not for the bloody future of Khaine's dreams and refused, causing an enraged Khaine to strike down Eldanesh with the sword of Vaul and begin the War in Heaven.[1e] During the war, the houses of Eldanesh and Ulthanesh would unite once more to fight the war god.[1f]

Perhaps I could use this time period as a good starting point. The army led by Eldanesh and Ulthanesh under the guidance of Khaine could be the genesis of my martial order.

When Khaine slays Eldanesh perhaps Khaine replaced Eldanesh as their master and taught them the Aspects of war? Taking them from Eldar rallied to war by Eldanesh into masters of war?

Any Eldar experts who can pick this apart for me? Any one have any ideas on how I can develop this?

- Martok