Hello All!

Thanks for swing by to our little spot in the WWW!

This weeks offerings are 2 Deathwatch Captains, both in Terminator Armour. 


The First is a Blood Angels Captain, armed with 2 Lightning Claws. The moment I saw this model I knew exactly how I wanted him to look - ready to charge into close combat. The positon of the body, head and arms appear to express a sense of a battle call to the next opponent.

The second Captain is based on the Lysander model, with a new left arm/deathwatch shoulder pad instead of the original. This was the old white metal version, which I really enjoyed painting, maybe due to the feel and weight. 

For both models I followed the same painting method as for all my deathwatch, with a metallic black base, with highlights. For HQ's I've retained the same colour for the inner capes/tabard as their home chapter. The power weapons have been based blue, with highlights up to white at the edges. 

Really happy with the look of these two - the force is building nicely! on to the next LH (20pts)