Hello all,

This week has seen some work on further Deathwatch marines, including 9 Primaris marines, a Lieutenant conversion, and my small converted Master of the Watch.

The 8 Marines and Sergeant are slowly coming together, all have had the base black, metallic scheme, with then details picked out. I am hopeful for these to be completed this month.

The Sergeant has had a mixture of Deathwatch and Space Wolves arm to make him stand out.
My Lieutenant has had his arms converted to show him charging forward, both guns blazing, I've added a helm to his back, with the white/red Lieutenant stripes to show his Rank. I am also adding stripes to his left knee to denote he is from the Rainbow Warriors Chapters.
The Watch Master has had the Psi-Eagle arm added from the Corteaz Inquisitor model, with greenstuff used to finish off the details of the Clavis. The base colours are applied, I will be going back to highlight, and detail prior to completion.

Thanks for stopping by! LH