Hello one and all!

Last weekend was the Beachhead 2022 event in Bournemouth, at the BIC, an event for both trade, and for demonstations and huge tournements. The Titan Owners Club were invited again to march to war - this time with 56 Engines, and knights!

The first game saw the Imperial Titans marching against the Warmasters forces, over an Imperial city, the objective was a destroyed titan by the city gates, however this was secondary to destroying the foes! as the dust settled, the tally of engine kills were even, with the Warmasters Titan'd holding the centre objective!

Day 2 saw 2 seperate battles, each with the sole goal of destruction. Both sides records a win a piece. 

For my Crucius force, which for some reason (well, I arranged the sides LH) the maniple lined up with the Warmasters forces, whether by choice or by some warp affect. Over the 2 days my forces scored 7 confirmed kills, including 2 Warlords. With Mons Igneus scoring 4 more engine kills - which now stands at 11 over 4 walks. 


Really enjoyable weekend of Titan battling, which was an absolute blast! thank you to these at the ToC who attended, and to the team at Entoyment for arranging the event!

Day 1

Day 2

Above and Below - ToC's Matt showing how not to roll... needing 3+ to hit with 10 dice...

Fantastic weekend, fantastic battles, and fantastic company! LH