Hello Readers and Squaduary Squaddies, I completed my Squaduary pledge this year, a squad of five Space Marine Bikers including a Sergeant. These have been on the to-do pile for a long time but I wanted them done before I attempt a Primaris Outrider Squad or the really great Primaris Chaplain on a Bike.
This squad was my 5th Space Marine Bike Squad and so I could add more ablative wounds to other squads or if points are tight and bodies on the field are needed, I chose not to arm these with special weapons, just the Sergeant has a Chainsword.
The Sergeant was based on legs from a 3rd party Librarian and a torso from a Ravenwing Biker from Dark Vengeance. As he is quite blinged up, I'm sure I could use him as a Character armed with the Teeth of Terra Relic if need be.
The Auspex mount was from the Ravenwing bike kit along with the feather mounts. 
The first two trooper Bikers, one armed with an old school Bolt Pistol.
The second two trooper Bikers.

I know a few of you out there have joined in with a Squaduary pledge, and I look forward to committing to another squad next year.

Cheers, Siph (10pts)