Hello All!

This week had seen the completion of another member of my Deathwatch force - a Chaplain with a jump pack. The moment I saw this model I knew somehow I would have to include at least one of them in a force - and with the Deathwatch I have that ability! 

I've not changed anything on the model, as I feel the pose is very dyanmic. I painted the base colour the same as all the others, however I picked out the Blood Angels aspets with Red and Gold to denote his status as a Chaplain. 

The jump pack was painted with red wings, highlighted with a bright orange against the red, which had a wash of Agrax to dull the colour slightly. 

The eyes were picked out in the same blues as the helmet lenses, with a cooler, lighter blue used to add a hue around the eye sockets. I used the same blues to add to the jet pack engine.

Again, really happy with the finish, now time to add some troops! LH (10pts)