Hello All!

Another week past, another model complete! This time is the humble Lieutenant hailing from the Rainbow Warriors Chapter.

This was a kit bash with several parts added the model, with a slight conversion of the left arm to have the gun pointing from a straight arm - the gun was cut away from the original arm with the arm bent, and the strap removed (purity seal to hide the sins of the chop) and then added to the arm thats out straight. The head is from the Hellblasters kit. Again I used a resin base as per all my Deathwatch marines.

The scheme follows the same with all Deathwatch, metallic black and a deep red for the weapons. The helmet on his waist has had the lieutenant White/Red stripe added.

I also added a dash of colour to the left knee to denote links to the rainbow warriors based on old imaging found online and from index astartes. I did try to free hand the symbol.. not the greatest at all, however I am happy with it. I also added the word 'Rainbow' to the right shoulder pauldron. 

Another addition to the force.. hopefully next some troops! LH (10pts)