Orks have invaded the Imperial world of Vertex. Five Terminators from different chapters have come to defend the planetary shield generator Gamma-9. Mostly by killing all the attacking Orks.

I finally got my hands on the boxed game, Rise of the Orks, which is only available at Barnes & Noble. It was nice to take a stroll through a bookstore, been a while.

Rise of the Orks is a co-op/solo tower-defense style of game. Waves of various flavors of Orks surge forward to destroy the shield's power generators. The played gets five Terminators, armed to the teeth to try and stop them. 

The game has a good sized board, two sheets of very nice tokens, cards, and five plastic push-fit Terminators. I do believe they are from the Japanese Space Marine Heroes line. Each molded in their chapter's colors. They are good looking figs. 

I will put them together tonight and try to have a battle report in a day or so.

Go Roll Some Dice
The Grimdark Has Many Forms