Hello all! 

This week has been a little mental, thus not as much progressed on the hobby table as planned, however here is a quick update;


I am working through a squad of 9 Intercessors, all about about ready for highlights and final details as well a resin bases. I am looking to add a few decals to these for the chapter symbols, at the moment I haven't got these planned. 

I am also working on 3 Inceptors and 3 Outriders. All have had the deathwatch shoulder paldrons added. These will be following the same scheme as my other deathwatch.

Food Shack?

I've recently bought some MDF terrain to try, and to model. I am planning on having a built up imperial world with some sizable buildings to fight over and in between, The first one I've built is this 'food shack' which I will convert to house a weapon seller, with weapons on the back wall on frames, as well as helmets etc.

I've recently bought a texture spray to base the model once primed to add depth to the model - one of the complains I've seen with regards MDF terrain is that its very 'flat'. hopefully this texture, plus the additions to it will make it pop! I also may look to add an LED or 2 to it as well! LH