The Marvel Crisis Protocol Season 7 Tabletop Simulator (TTS) league has just wrapped the initial 6 rounds.

Anyone who has 5 wins and 1 loss goes into “cuts” which is a single elimination playoff until we have a winner.

I wound up 3 and 3 so right in the middle of the pack.

My Roster & Strategy

Going into Season 7 I really wanted to explore my “Triple H” roster. Basically Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulkbuster, and a few extra people to round out the core.

I can play Avengers (Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulkbuster, Sam Wilson or Steve Rogers) or A-Force (Hulk, She-Hulk, and (Okoye, Crystal, or Angela)).


  1. Captain America (Sam Wilson)
  2. Captain America (Steve Rogers)
  3. Hulkbuster
  4. Hulk
  5. She-Hulk
  6. Angela
  7. Okoye
  8. Scarlet Witch
  9. Crystal
  10. Black Panther

With half Avengers and half A-Force I should have lots of flexibility in choosing my leader. I have Black Panther for objective play, and Scarlet Witch for a mystic attacker.

Tactics Cards

  1. Avengers Assemble
  2. Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
  3. Helios Laser Bombardment
  4. Patch Up
  5. Field Dressing
  6. Special Delivery
  7. Stalwart Determination
  8. Sacrifice
  9. Indomitable
  10. Follow Me

I have Avengers Assemble for Avengers and Special Delivery and Stalwart Determination when playing A-Force. These are solid cards that I take in just about every game I play that affiliation.

Beyond those Patch Up and Field Dressing allow you to heal up the hulks and if an opponent takes down a hulk I can threaten a Field Dressing with the right character in the right place.

Agents of S.M.A.S.H. is mostly a silly card. Helios Laser Bombardment is great to hunt down objective runners.

Sacrifice became essential as the season went on to take a critical hit for She-Hulk or Hulk.

Crisis Cards

  1. 🟦 – Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians (17)
  2. 🟦 – Gamma Wave Sweeps Across Midwest (15)
  3. 🟦 – Terrigen Clouds Sweep Over City (20)
  4. 🟥 – Fear Grips World as “Worthy” Terrorize Cities (18)
  5. 🟥 – Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators (14)
  6. 🟥 – The Montesi Formula Found (17)

My Games

Game 1 – DEREK606

We played Montesi Formula & Mayor Fisk at 17 threat.

My opponent brought Dr. Strange with Soul Gem, Wong, Iron Fist, and Hulk.

I brought She-Hulk, Angela, and Hulk.

I learned two big things from this game. The first is that I totally botched deployment. I lost priority so I could choose the board edge and I knew we were playing Montesi so I could theoretically grab the center objective and run away. Unfortunately after deployment I realized the Montesi objective was basically blocked. So I took a 5 threat character to steal a central objective and couldn’t do so because I wasn’t looking carefully at the table.

Angela tried to move and grab the Montesi Formula but was blocked by the thin wall that blocks her landing zone.

I also learned that Defenders have a great counter to Hulk by bringing their own Hulk, Dr Strange, and Iron Fist. Dr. Strange can heal Hulk and displace your own attackers. With a bit of luck he can also place an activated token on one of my big models. Iron Fist has the Iron Fist which can also activate characters. So they have 3 really good options to counter my characters.

The next time I play Defenders I need to bring more displacement so I can throw Iron Fist away, throw Dr. Strange away and then go to town on Hulk.

I lost 17 to 10.

Game 2 – DragonBeef

My opponent brought Brotherhood. I brought Hulkbuster for this exact scenario so that’s what I’m thinking about as I’m building my crisis squad.

We played Alien Ship Crashes Downtown and Gamma Wave at 15 threat.

I brought Hulkbuster, Captain America Sam Wilson, Black Panther, & Okoye.

My opponent surprised me and brought Mystique, Toad, Gambit, Scarlet Witch, and Rocket. No Magneto. First time I’ve played against Mystiques leadership.

I learned quite a few things this game. First, it’s incredibly useful for niche leaderships like Hulkbuster to bring Sam Wilson or Steve Rogers so you can switch leaderships after deployment.

Second, Hulkbuster can do amazing things but he’s dice reliant. He fought Mystique and between two Repulsor blasts and one Meteor Punch he did 0 damage. 😑 And Mystique’s Shapeshifter ability gets through Hulkbuster’s defensive tech.

Hulkbuster attack dice
My actual attack dice for Hulkbuster

Third, Black Panther can do amazing things with a little luck. I was barely holding on at the start of round 5. I was ahead 11 to 10. Hulkbuster was gone and everyone is on their injured side. I had priority and used Mantle of the Black Panther for full rerolls and Black Panther popped off. He KO’d Rocket, he pounced into Scarlet Witch for 3 damage and a strike to the the final damage. This secured their back Gamma Shelter and helped me get the win.

I won 16 to 12.

Game 3 – Zachary Yu

We played Deadly Meteors and Alien Ship at 17 threat.

I brought Captain America (Sam Wilson), Hulkbuster, She-Hulk, and Okoye.

My opponent brought Captain America (Steve Rogers), Gamora, Crystal, and She-Hulk. Yes this is one of the first times I’ve seen Steve Rogers out of affiliation.

I was crushed in this game. Numerous things didn’t go my way. I had a plan with Hulkbuster to blast Gamora off the right point and claim it myself. Unfortunately I couldn’t make the uncontested rolls. Boo.

While this was a bold play it also let the opposing Crystal and She-Hulk Special Delivery in and beat up Hulkbuster. With some luck She-Hulk did 12 damage in round 1. YIKES. She-Hulk is a great counter to Hulk and Hulkbuster.

I thought Hulkbuster would be able to nuke Crystal who was holding an objective. But my opponent had Sacrifice so anytime I targeted Crystal with a small attack She-Hulk took the hit and moved closer. And anytime I was about to use Helios Laser Crystal would take it preventing me from nuking She-Hulk. Absolutely stellar game using bodyguards to spread the damage and reduce the risk.

I lose 17 to 9.

Game 4 – KrisKold

We played Montesi Formula and Deadly Meteors at 17 threat. I should be great at these crises.

I brought She-Hulk, Angela, and Hulkbuster

My opponent brought Blade, Moon Knight, Iron Fist, Doctor Voodoo, and Black Cat

After Angela grabbed the central extract she helped She-Hulk on the right flank.

This was probably my least favorite game of the season. I’ve had a couple bad attack rolls with Hulkbuster which is always annoying but in this case the bad luck came from flipping meteors (I always rolled a skull) and the opposing Doctor Voodoo.

At the start of Round 2 I figured I could daze Voodoo before I goes. I got him down to 1 health. He responded with 11 damage in his first attack and 8 damage in his second attack. Doing 19 damage which combined with the Meteor damage KOs She-Hulk. 😱

Doctor Voodoos first attack roll doing 11 damage (8 successes and 4 damage from Sap Power)

Doctor Voodoo can be a massive negative play experience (NPE). There are lots of reasons for this – but one of them is the Sap Power ability. Each wild is essentially two successes when you factor in sap. So when you roll hot you roll really hot. And Sap messes with the power economy of the game. He didn’t even have to use his Possession ability which can be a NPE under different contexts.

I conceded end of round 2. 14 to 5.

One mistake I could improve for a future game was I used Angela to move up and beam attack (with the montesi formula book) Blade & Doctor Voodoo. Iron First used Heroes for Hire and threw Angela away so she couldn’t throw the size 4 terrain their way. If I had thrown terrain first I’d have a less “efficient” beam attack but it couldn’t have been stopped by Heroes for Hire. So at least I learned one thing. 😅

Game 5 – Axianax

We played Gamma Shelters and Hammers at 15 threat.

I played She-Hulk, Hulk, and Crystal.

My opponent played Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket, Nebula, Ronan.

Game 5 – After Deployment. Nebula is about to move up the left flank.

I’ve had a couple games where the dice went in my opponents favor. In this game almost all of the dice went in my favor. I essentially marched up the middle, bodyguarded a few critical hits, and SMASHED.

Hulk grabbed a hammer and moved aggressively towards their home gamma shelter. In round 2 he dealt massive damage to Ronan, he Thunderclapped doing little damage, and used his throw to daze Ronan.

Rocket went with Deadly Duo with a hammer and had 3 targets. He dealt 1 or 2 damage over all 5 of his attacks. He then played Loveable Misfits and stunned his whole team and She-Hulk. Not great for me but could have gone way better for my opponent.

One thing I misplayed was Field Dressing Crystal and moving her up. Rocket used Booby Traps and dazed her. Total fail on my part. 🤦

One thing that I think could have helped my opponent (besides better dice rolls) was playing Nebula more centrally. He placed her on my left flank by a hammer but I just ignored it so she did nothing for 2 turns. On turn 3 Nebula could have had a big turn but I body-guarded with She-Hulk preventing Nebula from getting rerolls on Hulk (who was also judged).

Game 6 – Ben-Fitch

My opponent wasn’t feeling well so he conceded. Boo.

I was 2 and 3 of all played games. And technically 3 and 3 with the concession from my opponent.

I really enjoyed this season. It’s the first time I’ve really played well with bodyguard characters. They’re massively important. Lots of opponents have some sort of mega-death-attack and when you can redirect those to unimportant characters it usually gives you a leg up.

And while I enjoy my Triple H roster with Hulk, She-Hulk, and Hulkbuster they’re very one dimensional. You’re basically punching people and sometimes throwing them. There isn’t a lot of choice for different types of attacks or different characters.

I also brought Agents of S.M.A.S.H. and only one table had a size 5 terrain piece. 🙁

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