Hello All,

I opted to try another colour other than metallic black this week, thus started work on an Inquistor model and a companion.

This model was from Ax faction, which I belive is no longer operating. I really like the look and character of the model, with the view of her being a Xenos hunter. I've initally gone for a yellow base, however this might change as I want the model to have a slight steampunk style, The wooden bow has been given a 'power weapon' coloured ends to match the deathwatch cool blue tones. 

The companion is an eBay purchase, no idea where from, the model looks to be a small child, infected with some nuclear/nurgle thing. The model has a gas mask, whilst holding a teddy, and with a right arm that has been infected badly. The back of the model is cabling etc. to holder her in the air.

 I like the idea that the Inquisitor saved her from an event, and now the girl follows the inquisitor to war. Maybe there is a hint of a daemon in her body, or she can pull powers from the warp to defend the Inquisitor.. LH