Hello All, thanks for dropping by. My latest project underway is a long overdue one. Adeptus Custodes, Custodian Guardians. I have had Custodes for a few years since the release of Burning of Prospero and wanted to do the Emperor's elite army for some time. A low model count means I can take my time over each miniature and give them a decent gold colour scheme!
The scheme is purely based on WarhammerTV and Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy tutorials of how to paint Custodes, both feature our Liege Lord Duncan 'Two Thin Coats' and are very easy to follow and great results - I feared gold as a whole mini might look plain or lazy, but the guide achieves an interesting gold full of variations and hues, using Retributor Gold, Liberator Gold and Stormhost Silver and a mix of Reikland Flesh Shade 50:50 Matt/Gloss mix.
I include a rear shot, each Custodian Guardian has a Misericordia (basically an extra Power Sword attack). The armoured joints is Corvus Black washed Nuln Oil, something I'll take back to my Relictors, the Corvus Black is a darker grey than Eshin Grey and lends itself to wash giving detail. 
I used my familiar basing design, the same across all armies.
The leather Pteruges were Doombull Brown, washed Nuln and highlighter Squig Orange.
The Guardian Spear blade I thought was going to be uber difficult but was fairly easy. Kantor Blue base, Sotek Green wide highlight, Templeguard Blue highlight, washed Drakenhof Nightshade, re-establish highlight of Templeguard Blue and a small highlight of white.
The plume hair was Mephiston Red, Nuln, Red again, Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red.
Really pleased how these came out, looking forward to building more whilst away and painting them on my return.

Cheers, Siph (10pts)