Hello All, thanks for dropping by. On the coat tails of the Custodian Guardians a few weeks ago, I have added a Shield Captain in Allarus Armour to lead them. A formidable warrior!
I followed the Duncan Rhodes tutorial again, and to mark him out as a Shield Captain I added the rather ornate gold Pteruges and the ornate shoulder pauldrons. Colour wise the purple braid on the Castellan Axe will denote his rank.
The wrist mounted Balistus Grenade Launcher
He has a Misericordia too. I followed the guide to do the cloak, and love the results. Chaos Red, washed Nuln Oil, base Chaos red again leaving the darker recesses, highlight Wazdakka Red and very slight highlight on the extreme edges of Squig Orange. I used an old pot of Gehennas Gold to be different from the golds used on the armour.
Ave Imperator!

Cheers, Siph (10pts Character)