For the first time in quite a long while, a new codex has really gotten my hobby juices perkyelatin! I think the new Chaos Space Marine codex is fantastic, and I decided to try doing a quick Iron Warrior test for a possible new army. Back when I was living in New Hampshire and gaming at the Game Castle on a regular basis, I had a complete Iron Warriors army that I played quite a few games with. I've since gotten rid of the army, but I think I'll do up a " Mk II " version with all new models and groovy cork/lava bases.

I also painted up a "Penal Legion" test for my possible Iron Painter entry. It's mostly done with airbrushing, and I think I'm on the right track. Could make a cool supplement to my Krieg army as prisoners pushed out in front of guns...

I realize the orange fatigues might be more in keeping with a Department of Corrections type modern day outfit, but hey, it's evocative of a prisoner nonetheless. I do realize this isn't fully highlighted and shaded, but it's a promising start nonetheless....

Regardless, comments and criticisms are most welcome.