No I am not building a new AoS army. I bought this guy back in December from a game store in the Morristown Mall (CM Games) that happens to sell used miniatures. He stood out to me and the chaos space marine backpack in particular grabbed my attention. "When did that come out? It looks cool!" I confess my ignorance of most things AoS and thought, at first that it was a Chaos Marine release that slipped past me. I asked to look at it, quickly realized my folly, but I decided to get him anyway when I found out he was only about $6. At that price I couldn't resist and I knew I could do a bit more to him to further 40k him up. 

The miniature as I bought. 

He is missing his necklace of skulls and his khorne symbol loin cloth but the addition of a really unique looking chainsword ment that I could overlook these things. I mean, for $6 who could resist? 

Base reduction.

The first thing I did was downsize his base to a 32mm one. He looked fine on 40mm but I just didn't think it was necessary and 32mm would fit in better with my Worldeaters. I added a few bits from the old Khorne Berserker box set: a holstered pistol and a few grenades. Then I basecoated his skin with (appropriately enough) Bloodreaver Flesh. The flat metal plates were coated with Khorne Red. And I also added some grit to the base along the way.

Base colors.

Next it was time to break out the old classics. First up was Chestnut Ink which was liberally applied on the massive icon and few other gold areas. Then came my old favorite: Blood Red which was used on the armor.

Mid colors.

All that was the culmination of a few weeks of poking at this thing. A bit more dabs of paint should have it done (relatively) soon.