When day two was starting up I had high hopes that my dice luck would turn around...  I think for the most part it did.

Round 4 - Chaos Space Marines
Primary:  Big Guns: 2 Objectives (opponents deployment zone is the objective)
Secondary:  Kill all heavy support units or units with armor if no HS are included

I finally get to play against some dragons!  Trent was playing a nurgle based list with a biker lord, a squad of nurgle bikes, a small squad of plague marines, a ton of cultists, a maulerfiend, 2 las cannon predators, and 2 dragons.

Turn 1, he just moved his forces forward toward my lines.  Unfortunately for me, he was able to take out the Icarus with his las predators and thus cripple the primary weapon against the dragons.  Oh well.  During my turn, my primary concern was taking out the mauler fiend as it was really the only major threat to the bastion that was holding my lines.  I dropped in around and was able to take it down fairly easily.  I was also able to take down one of the las preds by dropping behind it.  Trent tried to deploy his cultists so I wouldn't have space to drop in behind his lines, but I was able to find a small spot just large enough for Belial's squad.

Turn two one dragon came in and I was able to vector lock it with interceptor from the missiles.  Trent assaulted what he could with the bikes and took some more shots at the tourmies, killing a few.  Las cannons from the remaining pred was able to take out one of the speeders.  I was able to shake the predator during my turn and wipe out a small squad of cultists.  I was able to keep other squads of cultists gone to ground for improved cover so they couldn't shoot me next turn.  The vindicare was sniping out a plague marine each turn as well.  The highlight of the game was the biker lord winning a challenge against my terminator sergeant and becoming a demon prince!  I was also able to win combat with a single cyclone terminator and force about 27 cultists to run off the board.  I was also able to wipe out the bikers with a second squad of termies during my turn.

Trent was fairly underwater at this point.  The vindicare was able to survive a 4 hit vector strike and he did not have much left that could fire after that.  He assaulted a squad of termies with his shiny new demon prince.  During my turn, I was able to wound the prince a bunch and get him down to 1 wound, leaving only a cyclone left in the fight though.

In the end, Trent was able to get enough troops (including 2 remaining members of a 35 man cultist squad) back into his own deployment zone to contest what I'd moved into it forcing a draw on the primary.  He was never able to get any troops into mine.  He was never able to touch the Bastion, so I wont secondary.  90 cultists is a tough nut to crack.  12 points to 8.  Great game, fairly close right up to the end.  

ROUND 5 - Space Wolves
Primary:  Kill Points
Secondary:  Kill 4 chosen units out of elites,  fa, and/or heavys (or HQs to fill out slots)
Tertiary: Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Line Breaker

For the final round of the tournament, I was up against Crazy Red Praetorian from Austin and as such I knew we'd have a good game.  He was running a Wolf Lord on a thunderwolf, a Rune Priest on a bike, a squad of 3 thundwolf cav with shields, a Wolf Priest on foot, a big squad of dudes with double plasma pistols in a pod, 2 squads of grey hunters in pods, and a small squad of wolf guard in a razorback.  In this particular case, the dice definitely went my way.  I was able to snipe out his rune priest turn 1 with a turbo-penetrator round.  the rest of my shooting was able to take out all of the other dogs as well.   Combined shooting from podding in units, including the crazy plasma pistol unit was able to wipe out Belial and his unit, but I was able to Icarus snipe his Wolf Priest with interceptor.

CRP never really recovered from losing all the wolves and I as able to slowly whittle him down and by the end of the game everything was dead save for 2 drop pods.  20-5 to the Deathwing.

As always, Alamo was a good time.  I ended up 2-2-1, but was able to take home 2nd best painted.  As I expected (and predicted) at the start of the event, the final table was Jwolf playing Tau and Minus67 playing Tau.  Jwolf was able to pull it out by getting the alpha strike again and crippling Minus' broadsides on turn 1.  Here are some other images I snapped.

My thoughts exactly, Bullymike