Hello Titanseers, continuing titanic goodness whilst I work on the Lucius Warhound, I worked on their supporting Knights Banner, today the addition of a fearsome Mechanicum Cerastus Knight Atrapos. The FW website says - "The machine spirits of the Knight Atrapos are said to carry with them a cold and all-destroying hunger, and for the scion who bonds with them, madness is a constant risk. But for such storied honour, however dark the outcome, this may be a price worth paying", its visage clearly demonstrates this.
From the FW website - "One of the rarest and most potent Knights, the Knight-Atrapos is a unique variant type of the Cerastus pattern. Bearing particularly rare and potent weaponry of annihilation, the Cerastus Knight-Atrapos was created solely to destroy heretek engines and xenos war machines whose very nature and existence were considered a blasphemy to the Omnissiah."
I bought this second hand from my mate Rob C in Titan Owners Club, so his pose was dynamic and looked great, it was Malinax traitor engine which I repainted loyalist Vassal Knight of Legio Astorum. I kept the chest armour the original Malinax colours in tribute to Rob.
The rearward red shoulder pauldrons show the Mechanicum loyalty. The missing groin cabling was replaced with spares from the bits box, from a Necron Nightscythe (heresy!).
I love these weird and wonderful weapons, the Lascutter will also feature on my yet to do Questoris Knight Preceptor, 'Canis Rex'.
The Atrapos is armed with the violently destructive, but potentially unstable, Graviton Singularity Cannon, I painted the weapon energy green to match my Grav Guns.
And the focussed and deadly Atrapos Lascutter, that sees duty as both a ranged and close combat weapon. I chose to use red as a weapon energy colour, not a colour I have used before and I quite like the effect.
The decals on the shoulder pauldrons were from the Legio Astorum decal sheet, now OOP, these are usually for a Warlord Titan shoulder. I weathered the decals using thin scrapes and lines of the base colour.

I am very pleased with my repaint, I enjoyed weathering the decals - something I'll take forward to my Titans. 

Cheers, Siph (20pts)