Welcome Titanseers, and welcome back for another progress snapshot of where I am with the Lucius rebuild and re-paint (Rites of Construction, Rites of Colour). Well from a technical and painting point of view I am over 3/4 there, from a mass point I am about halfway! The torso mass remains undercoated.
The Lucius Titan came with the Lucius Pattern weapon arms, a Plasma Blastgun and a Turbolaser Destructor, both more functional and less ornate armour than the later Mars variant.
The original Howling Griffon's scheme had a nice yellow weathered end to the Plasma Blastgun I chose to keep which will add some colour to the Blue Astorum scheme.
In this above comparison shot you can see the differences between the Lucius and Mars pattern weapons, the Lucius has a longer optic rangefinder/laser designator and the Mars a square compact lens with more ornate armour at the rear.
I chose to repeat my previous plasm pulse design, simple and effective using six blues and repeating the pattern. I removed the original mass of green OSL and glow by repraying the weapon Leadbelcher, carefully masking off the yellow casing.
In the above comparison shots you can see the differences between the Lucius and Mars Turbolaser Destructor weapons, the Lucius has again an extended laser designator/lens housing whilst the gold ornate armour of the Mars variant has this lens slightly raised and compacted. Both have the same cooling vents on the topside.
The functional, less ornate Lucius armour plating is less extensive than the Mars Pattern, but does sport an Aquila. The rearward gubbins is the same on the Mars weapons.
I attached a single power cable, on the outboard side, I only have two cables so the Plasma will also get one once I bend it into shape to fit the housing on the underside of the Plasma Blastgun.
Again, to match the Plasma Blastgun and save me some blending and time with heat staining, I chose to keep the original painted heat staining at the muzzles. It doesn't look out of place next to the Mars variants and adds some nice colour to the weapon.
There you have it, weapons done, just the remaining hoses and torso to complete for this Warhound before it Walks!

Cheers, Siph.