Image from the Privateer Press website

Well, in case you hadn't noticed, Warmachine is getting a new version!

I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about my thoughts about the new edition, or at least what we know so far.  I'm a big fan of Warmachine, and honestly, a big fan of all of the Privateer Press games.  And I have proven that I'm committed by spending quite a lot of money on their games- I've backed all of their recent Kickstarters, and I'm own a ton of Warmachine miniatures (as in, I could play every faction).

There are things I'm very excited about, and things I'm concerned about.  Now, this is the same day as the announcement, and there is still a lot we don't know yet, so maybe my feelings will change in the coming days, as more info comes out.  Maybe I'll post my thoughts about that, too!

Anyway, let's talk about my concerns first.   

From the article: In order to maintain the playability of the entire catalog of existing models, we have created two arenas of play: Unlimited, which will allow all existing and new MKIV models to be playable; and Prime, which will provide limited model options in building armies from the preexisting catalog as well as incorporate all new MKIV releases.

I own a lot of models.  Like, A LOT.  The fact that they will all be available in an Unlimited format is great and all... but historically these 'Legacy' formats tend to be poorly supported, poorly attended, and just become the unwanted stepchild of the game.  I think of Malifaux, for instance, when they rotated some masters out as part of their "Dead Man's Hand" rules during an edition change.  I played Lilith, one of the removed masters... and I haven't played since.  Their inclusion in events was apparently up to the TO, but to the best of my knowledge, there hasn't been a compatible event in a long, long time.

Privateer Press will support the Unlimited format... for a time.  Or at least, I assume it will just be for a time.  They mention that these old models, unable to use some of the new rules (like jack customization or army specific command cards) will probably keep the older models on the lower end of the power curve... but what if there are a few choices that are too powerful?  What if one of the new models, played in the Unlimited format, make all of the legacy choices worthless?  Will PP actually change the balance of these models if need be?  It's not known yet.

Some of the old models being playable in Prime is great news, too.  I just wish we knew the scope.  One would have to assume that the models allowed will be generic units and solos- say, the non-character Trenchers for Cygnar, or the non-character Winter Guard, or something.  That's all fantastic, if so.  I just wish I knew about how much to expect.  About a quarter of the available models will be in Prime?  More?  Less?  What about Prime-legal models that run out of stock.  Are they going to produce more (given they are moving to solely the 3d plastic models?).  Again, who knows, and just too early to tell, I guess.

The app is the next thing I'm not excited about.  From the article: The WARMACHINE app will provide the game rules and all model rules for FREE; no “card deck” purchases will be necessary.

Later in the article, they mention that there will be no way to look at the stats or rules without the app.  Hey, this is the digital age.  I get the urge to do this... but this is a tabletop board game.  I hate the idea that I need to be tied to my cell phone or tablet just to play a board game.  Come on, I'm going out to socialize with some friends.  Why do I have to have my electronics with me?  Yuck.

Secondly, I spend a lot of time thinking about the game, and the minis.  Examining my casters, thinking about what I'm going to do.  Building lists.  I do it a lot during my down time at work... where I can't bring my phone or tablet.  So, I'm not thrilled about this.

Now, with all of that said, everything else about this announcement has me excited.

I think their reasons are great, and they make perfect sense.  The game is well balanced, but I can't imagine trying to get into the game as a new player.  There are so many models, and so many interactions, that I think PP is doing the right thing.  And hey, I get that they have to cut down the number of SKUs and move some items to the Unlimited Arena format (my first complaint).  I get it, I do.  It gives them their best chance of making this launch a success.  

I love the new army system.  I think small, limited armies is going to be fantastic for the game.  I can't wait to build new, little armies, each with their own unique character and separate choices.  And the cadre system sounds like a fine addition.  Seriously, I can't wait to see the first examples so that I can get to building.  I guess we get our first taste this week on that front, at least.

I'm not at all miffed about the delay to get Hordes into the game, or its transition to being under the Warmachine brand.  All things that will be great for the game long term and will just make it an easier sell.

I'll reserve judgement on the 3D printed models until I get some in my hand.  You can bet I'll buy some as soon as they are available.

The rules are the final thing I want to make a brief mention of.  I love the rules of Warmachine, and I've heard that this is still the same game at its core.  We'll see about that.  I hope they keep the pre-measuring and keep the facing, and keep the way damage is done, and keep the core mechanics.  Of course, we'll see. 

The changes they've mentioned so far are the command cards, spell choices, and warjacks customizations.  This feels like a movement of some rules from Warcaster into this game.  But hey, these all sound great.  Warjacks designed to be customized will mean fewer purchases to buy into a faction, and more interesting choices.  Command cards can help define your overall force's strategy.  And really, choosing your warcaster's spell list means I can adjust a caster to match my playstyle.  I think all of THESE changes will keep me very excited about the game.  

I'm nervous about the future, as I'm sure all of us are.  But I have to say, I haven't been this excited about the game in a long time.  I can't wait to see the new rules, and I can't wait to give them a try.

Anyway, I can't wait to talk more about the game as they release more information.  I hope you'll stick around and talk about it with me!