Hard to believe that I haven't painted a Primaris Lieutenant yet, huh?  Well, let's fix that!


I have had this miniature kicking around for a few months now and with my current Ultramarines Primaris kick, it seemed like a good time to add one to the team. Looking for painted examples of this miniature I came across this brilliant Ultramarines Primaris Lieutenant from Tale of Painters.  It's freak'n perfect. So I aspired to try to get close to It's magnificence. 


Basecoats were the old Space Marine Blue, Corax White on the knee pad, skull and head. 

Bace coated. 

Macragge Blue midcoat and Guillman Fleshwash on the head. 

The experiment of using the Guillman Fleshwash over a hand painted Corax White was fun, but ultimately I decided that this did look right for this miniature, so I got out the Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh and Eldar Flesh (Dry).


I thought it might be fun to give this guy a bit of a stubble on the shaved parts if his head and face.  I just used two coats of thinned Nuln Oil for this effect and I think it turned out well.

Finished sans decals.

Finally I put myself through the aggravation of applying the decals. These turned out alright also. Once past that step the tufts were applied. I will clear coat this model soon, not worried about chipping so much as I am concerned about the decals flaking off with use. 

Finished model.

On a bit of a whim, I thought it would be fun to have my son roll up a name for him using an Ultramarines name generator. This one is from Imperium Magazine. I haven't checked to see if this is the same one from the 8th ed Codex: Ultramarines or not, but I doubt they aren't too dissimilar. Anyway, the name he generated was Philo Vento (Which sounds like a guy Clint Eastwood beat up in one of those orangutan movies). His Hero Title is the Guardian Of Megaria. His Master-crafted Bolter is known as the Deafening End.  Fun stuff. -and it's fun to have so much character in a model that's likely to be chewed up by a Hive Tyrant or sniped by an Eldar Ranger... but here he is, done and out of the queue!