Heavy Railguns are great, but do you what makes them better? Put them on fast movers! Nobody does Close Air Support in 40K like the Tau. 

Really more of a modeling project than anything that will regularly see the tabletop, the Tau aircraft have been a vey enjoyable build. 

The Tigershark AX-10 wears my Tau 3-color grey splinter pattern very well. The Forgeworld (V.2) Tigershark is an amazing kit. The resin is more plastic-like, super smooth, and without any bubbles, deformities, or other issues that plagued older kits. I did have to use the hot water treatment to take a slight bend out the long railguns, but that's to be expected, and super easy, barely an inconvenience. 

Ohhh Barracuda! For when you need slightly less railgun, and a little more dogfight. 
I really enjoy the manta ray aesthetic both aircraft embody. Flat, with upturned wingtips and utterly deadly looking.

I'm going make an effort to get both on the table very soon, just to see how they do. I've often said that I feel most games of 40K are far too small in scale to have use of tactical aircraft actually on the table, but, the Rule of Cool and all that. They will look great screaming over the heads of their foes.

For The Greater Good

Death Comes From Above