The finished Furibundus Dreadnought.

With a bit of spare time available tonight I was able to get this model finished. Here's the last stages that got me there:

I needed something for the base. Recently ordered a pair of Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champions from a bits seller on eBay. Each came with an extra front piece which, yay: options, ment that I now had a pair of large useless bitz. I had the idea to make an Objective Marker out of one but as I thought about it, I realized that idea would work great on this Dreadnought's base also.  I put a skull where the head would go, just a spare Chaos Space Marine shoulder pad at and odd angle and glued those where the shoulders would be. This will give an impression that this body is mostly sunk into the mud and dirt.

Really dead chaos guy. 

I applied Stirland Mud Technical Paint all around the remains of this Chaos guy. The idea was to mostly fill and cover up some of the gaps between the corpse and the base. 
Starland Mud.

After the Stirland Mud dried I applied the grit to the rest of the base. 

True grit.

The skull of the dead chaos guy was basecoated using Corax White. 

Basecoats on the base items. 

Skeleton Horde Contrast Paint was used on the Skull (i love this stuff!). The rest of the stages of the Black Legion guy are the same ones I used on the majority of my other Black Legion marines. Also not that two oval plates were painted in anticipation of the decals that are going to go in those spots. 

Middle coats on. 

Let's cut to the chase; here it completely done sans a varnish to seal the model. This metal after all and prone to chipping. 

Boom, done! 

The blue U looks good on the white plate. I would say. 
Almost birds eye view 

The small roman numeral three went on the red plate. And in the lower leg plate a larger Ultramarines icon was adhered on to there.

Three's the Company.

The right leg had a skull badge placed it. A departure from how it looked originally, but I thought it was over-using the Ultramarines icon before and this feels a bit more balanced to me. 


Now for the glamor shots. 

And after much debate I did decide to keep the eyes green. I thought the red eyes would clash with the red of the gun and the red badge. I did add a white highlight to each eye however. 

And that's another Dreadtober in the can! But technically the month isn't over, perhaps I can knock out another one?