And this concludes Part One. 

I wanted the ending to be wordless to let the reader absorb the situation. Before I started posting these pages I had considered adding some word balloons to the final panel to indicate that someone in the crew is attempting to communicate to the bridge, but ultimately I decided it was best to leave it alone. 

Somewhere I have the script for Part 2 written out but I have yet to locate it. When I do I probably post it here alone with the concept sketches I did with it. As I stated long ago, I have no desire to complete this and I am not sure that GW would allow me to do a modern day rendition of this as they are (or were? I have no idea) doing a licensing agreement with Marvel to produce  comics. And so far it appears that The Fallen Moon has not caused any concern from anyone over there that usually looks into these kind of things. So this work of fanfiction created 25 years ago for a fanzine that was never produced, will just have to be just what it is. And as it is. 

Note I intend to edit this post at some point to include links to every post in this series so that they can more easily be accessed and read.