I finally got around to painting the Nugle HQ figs for the Dark Imperium box...

I do like this guy the least. I think it's the "axe". Overly complex but seemingly not very functional as anything but a blunt weapon. Nonetheless, it gave me a chance to develop my Death Guard paint scheme.

At first I wasn't even to going to paint this one. I really disliked the baby face he had.
Then, I thought it would so much more creepy if he had no face at all. I put a large amount of plastic cement of the face, let it sit for a few minutes, and then gave it a bit of a stir with the backend of a paintbrush. Poof! Just a blank, face-like visage. Much better.

"What? I like bells," I like this one the best. Just kinda crazy, and a bit ominous. 

So much more to come from Grandfather Nurgle.

Go Paint Something
With Extra Slime