Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity my old friend Pete got me Varag Ghoul-Chewer as a Christmas present and I put him together in my usual Christmas hobby building efforts [yes I know it's February tomorrow!].

He's quite the substantial guy and it has prompted me to commit to finishing my Orc Blood Bowl team so he can join them.

With the basing sand added he's now ready to be primed when the weather is a bit better.

Alongside Varag, the entire Orc team and the Troll is has inspired me to finish them for #ArmiesOnParade2023 and my #NewYearNewArmy


Additionally I will look to create a Blood Bowl 7's pitch, and even try to make a 7's Mega Bowl pitch if it'll fit in the dimensions. That way I can have my Human, Halfling, Nurgle and Orc teams facing off against each other - well it's a better plan than anything else I can think of.

Here's the Great Big Big Build RUSTY Stamp of Approval for the build.