Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Munitorum Containers. When last you saw I had containers in red/bone, yellow/black and teal/red with my 4th [the top one] still in it's red primer stage, plus lots of under-weathering. The plan was to do it white/orange to fit with my Genestealer Cult. However, I had not plucked up enough courage to cover all that weathering.

3 warhammer 40k Munitroum Containers surrounded by DeathGuard and Poxwalkers

Until now that is! I know, it's a big jump but not taking pictures was the only way to get through this period, although I admit now I come to document it, it's incredibly frustrating not having the interim steps.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

This is almost complete, and the teal/red was much improved too, enough for me to display in my Armies On Parade unfinished - no one but me would notice.

Warhammer 40k munitorum container

Sadly I don't have any other interim pics, but on the plus side the next set of pics are TO DONE! ones which are always cool.