Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my remaining #Ravenwing Black Knights and bikes. These took a really long time to get over the line and a bit longer still to get the pics taken so I may have finished them in January.

Despite convincing myself that black isn't that difficult to paint I can't getaway from the fact I just don't want to paint it. Difficult - no, boring/tedious - yes

And there were additional decisions, like the winged sword colours on the robed Black Knights. I went with red, as I;d done that on others and they'd match. But, I never liked it - so the best of a bad job.

The molten lava sword wasn't quite as good as the Talonmaster, but with time I've come to be satisfied with them rather than the slight disappointment I originally felt.

I've still got a few robed riders and bits from my Ravenwing Command sprue to make a few more Black Knights, just short on bikes. And here was me thinking my Ravenwing was done!

But with a load of upgrade bits, Corvus Hammers and Plasma Pistols for conversions some cheap bikes will get me another three Knights if I so choose.

The two bikers to join the odd one I did with my #DreadTober pledge.

Here are the 3 together.

And with my Primaris Chaplain on bike for a cool 'Kill Team' shot.

Some closer pics to get a better look at them.

At least I managed to get the re head lamp glow to be a little more to my liking.

And with that a GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval. White background pics to follow.