Had a quiet evening for a change and pressed on with the Fire Dragons. The final results are interesting, but definitely have a significantly different 'feel' compared to my usual methods. Not saying I dislike how they turned out, it's just that the use of so many washes (instead of drybrushing) ends up with rather different results than what I'm used to. I think the 'washes over white' works quite for the Eldar sculpts, but may not necessarily translate over to the guard models.

Regardless, they definitely are bright and colorful! Pretty pleased with the yellow and orangeish/red combo, they're definitely more yellow than the 'standard' scheme as presented in the codex. I went with the purple tassels and helmet crest similar to what IDICBeer did on his Fire Dragons, and on a lark added in a further blue spot color for the various power tubing.

The yellow is definitely prevalent on the rear of the models, and I'm quite happy with that! It was fun to bang out a quick small unit like this, always nice to be able to dabble with some other paint schemes when you get tired of the same old, same old!