Here it is!

After much work on the part of Fabalah, who does all the photos, the next tutorial is finally up. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Eye of Error, a new member of the Artisan Alliance. So let’s get started!Dark Angel tutorial
Here are all the paints I used in this tutorial. The dark grey at the top left is the old Adeptus Battlegrey, and the metallics in the middle are P3 Pig Iron, Cold Steel, Molten Bronze, and Rhulic Gold. I should mention that the only paint not shown here is Blazing orange, which I forgot to add to the pile.

Dark Angel tutorial
Step I
First, your’e going to want to prime the mini black. You can use white or grey, but this will brighten any colors you do.

Step II
Basecoat all of the armour with Caliban Green.

Step III
Begin layering with a 2:1 mix of Caliban Green and Warpstone Glow. For this step, I chose to apply the paint in areas the sun would hit, and leave Caliban Green in the shadows.

Dark Angel tutorial

Step IV
Highlight the armour with Warpstone Glow. Add some water for this step, as you want to make sure the paint goes on smooth.

 Step V
This is the final stage for the green. Take some black paint (I use Matt Black from Army Painter) and shade between the armour sections. Be sure to water it down.

 Step VI
Basecoat the red and metal areas with Khorne Red and P3 Pig Iron.

Dark Angel tutorial
Step VII
Highlight the red with Mephiston Red.

Wash all the metal areas with Quickshade Dark Tone or a similar black wash, then layer with P3 Cold Steel. I also took this chance to basecoat all the gold areas with P3 Molten Bronze.

Step IX
Wash the gold with Quickshade Strong Tone or a similar dark brown wash.

Dark Angel tutorial
Step X
Highlight the gold with P3 Rhulic Gold.

Step XI
Basecoat all the under suit areas with Adeptus Battlegrey, or the new Eshin Grey.

Step XII
Highlight the under suit areas with Dawnstone.

Dark Angel tutorial
The Chapter Symbol

Block out the sword with a t using Skull White. It’s important to make sure you get it roughly in the middle.

Step XIV
Make that t look like an actual sword.

Step XV
Add the wings to both sides. Don’t worry to much about mistakes, you can always fix those later.

Dark Angel tutorial
Step XVI
Block out the feather parts of the wings. Again, don’t be afraid to clean up after your’e done.

Clean up the wings with some Caliban Green, making sure all the edges and nice and flat, and the wings line up with each other.

Dark Angel tutorial
Basecoat the eyes with Mephiston Red. Try to be careful with these next steps, you don’t want to have to re paint that lovely face!

Step XIX
Highlight towards the edge of the eyes with a 1:1 mix of Mephiston Red and Blazing Orange (Not shown at the start, my bad).

Step XX
Take some Skull white and add small dots to the top edge of the eyes.
Dark Angel tutorial
The Base
Step XXI
Basecoat with Rhinox Hide. Don’t be afraid to water it down, or use mulitple layers.

Drybrush with a 1:1 mix of Rhinox Hide and Bleached Bone.

Drybrush with Bleached Bone, focusing towards the outer edges of the base.

Step XXIII (Shown below)
Give the base a wash of Quickshade Strong Tone or a similar dark brown wash.
Dark Angel tutorial
And with that, you are done your Dark Angel Space Marine. Hopefully this helps a few of you finish those Dark Vengeance box sets, or inspires others to start an army of the Unforgiven.
