So you'd have to be living under a rock not to know that the new Eldar codex is out today. Jamie and I headed to Wargames Emporium in Sheffield to grab our copies of the book. They offer 20% off GW stuff so we always get our stuff from them. If you're in or around Sheffield then they're definitely worth checking out. We were greeted by quite a sight as you can see in the picture. Despite the bounty of plastic beauty in front of us we both resisted the temptation to buy the big new kits. Don't get me wrong I'm sure I'll eventually own some of them but I'm determined not to give in to the feeling that they're "one day only". They'll still be available when I actually want them and have time to build/paint them.

I will, of course, be posting a full reaction to the book along with some slot by slot analysis of the new army list. Suffice to say this is by far the most striking front cover yet. I really wish GW would release the artwork as posters to decorate my gaming room.

Anyway, onto the exciting stuff. Now as you might have read the "Giantkiller" prize will not be happening as the giant himself, Andy, isn't attending Blog Wars 5. However, whilst you might not be able to kill a giant you can win one (see what I did?)! May I present the first of a series of prizes for Blog Wars:

So what do I have to do to win him I hear you ask? Well assuming you've got your ticket for Blog Wars you've already done most of the work. Now all you need to do is show up and hope you win the raffle for which he'll be the top prize. I'm excited already, 3 weeks to go!!

A reminder that army lists need to be with my by a week today for checking before the event. Thanks.