He needs a name...Oh! I know - Alpharius  ;)
Here is my entry for the STC contest assembled. At this point the base still needs to be finished and he needs a matte coat and some water effects on his eye lenses, but for now this gives you a good idea of the conversion and painting. Now after my last post I had a few requests for a run down of how this mini was painted so I thought I would do that today to balance out all the bare plastic later in the post...

*All paint colors are from the new Citadel paints range*
His trim was the first thing painted...
Base coat Leadbelcher
Stipple Warplock Bronze, Runelord Brass
Wash Agrax Earthshade, Seraphim Sepia
Dry brush Leadbelcher, Ironbreaker
Sponge on Runefang Steele
Next up was all the armour joints, cables, tabard, ammo belt and gun casing...
Joints, Cables & Ammo Belt:
Base coat Abbadon Black
Highlight Dark Reaper, The Fang, Russ Grey, Fenrisian Grey
Wash Athonia Camoshade, Nuln Oil
Base coat Abbadon Black
Highlight Eshin Grey, Skaven Dingeblight, Dawnstone
Wash Nuln Oil
Gun Casing:

Base coat Abbadon Black
Highlight Incubi Darkness, Steggadon Scale, Thunderhawk Blue
Wash Nuln Oil

Followed by any metal that wasn't part of the trim...
Guns, knife, sword, chainmail, chains, vents & grenades:
Base coat Leadbelcher
Wash Nuln Oil, Agrx Earthshade
Dry brush Ironbreaker, Necron Compound
Diagonal line highlight across blade Runefang Steele
Then his eyes, bullets, skulls, holster and scabbard...
Base coat Averland Sunset
Highlight Yariel yellow, Flashgitz Yellow, White scar
Wash Bloodletter & water 2:1
Tips of Bullets:

Base coat Leadbelcher
Wash Nuln Oil, Agrx Earthshade
Dry brush Ironbreaker, Necron Compound
Glaze Bloodletter
Wash Corriburg Crimson

Bullet Casings:
Base coat Dryad Dark
Wet brush Balthasar Gold, Runelord Brass, Sycorax Bronze
Wash Seraphim Sepia
Base coat Zandri Dust
Wash Agrax Earthshade
Highlight Zandri Dust, Utshabi Bone, Pallid Wych Flesh
Wash Seraphim Sepia & water 2:1
Holster & Scabbard:
Base coat Rhinox Hide
Highlight Doombull Brown, Mournfang brown
Wash Argax Earthshade

Finally, it was time for his armour and Legion insignia...
Base coat Leadbelcher
Highlight  Ironbreaker
Wash Nuln Oil
Highlight Runefang Steele
Glaze Gulliman Blue (3-4 layers, let dry completely between each coat to judge when best to stop)
Highlight Runefang Steele
Glaze Waywatcher Green
Legion insignia:
Apply Decal
Glaze Gulliman Blue

Highlight Runefang Steele
Glaze Waywatcher Green

And last but not least was the base...
Skull: same as above
Necorn Bits:
Base coat Rhinox Hide
Wet brush Screaming bell, Brass scorpian, Hasput copper
Dry brush Necorn compound
Wash Agrax Earthshade
Base coat Eshin grey
Wet brush Skaven Dingeblight
Wash Nuln Oil
Dry brush Stromvermin fur
Wash Agrax Eathshade
Dry brush Dawnstone, Longbeard grey
Base coat Rhinox Hide
Dry brush Steele Legion drab, Banenlade brown, Karak Stone, Terminatus stone
Wash in random patterned on rocks and dirt Rikland fleshshade, Aothnian camoshade
Wash whole base Agrax earthshade & water 3:1
Paint trim as desired.


I hope I spelled all those names right but I think they are close enough for you to know what Citadel paints I am referring to. I did get a little work done on my DV set and in the process I realized something...
I really just wanted to slap those chaos forces together - especially after all the work I put into converting the Dark Angels - but I can't bring myself to settle.  I think I may have the beginning of a serious converting addiction.  I blame some of the easy and great cultist conversions I saw this week over at Angels of Death.

Thanks for stopping by. Next post will probably be a lot more green and grey plastic as I continue to convert and build my DV set. Of course I can always throw some more previously painted stuff up if things get too grey on the blog right?

Until next time remember; you can't spell paint with out a little pain.