Beltway Gamers just finished up their "Slaying the Spring Flowers" league and it was pretty fun.  It seemed like I was the bane of IG but DE/Eldar ate my lunch.  Even though I don't plan to play Chaos for NOVA, I thought it would be a good idea to run this list through the list building requirements and see how it stacked up.  The list is below:

1850 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Khorne Juggernaut Sorcerer  1850

Total Roster Cost: 1835

HQ: Chaos Lord (1#, 180 pts)
   1 Chaos Lord, 150 pts = (base cost 65 + Mark of Khorne 10 + Power Axe x1 15 + Sigil of Corruption 25 + Juggernaut of Khorne 35)
      1 Burning Brand of Skalathrax, 30 pts

HQ: Sorcerer (1#, 170 pts)
   1 Sorcerer, 170 pts = (base cost 60 + Increase Mastery Level x2 50 + Sigil of Corruption 25 + Spell Familiar 15) + Chaos Bike 20

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
   9 Chaos Cultists, 36 pts = 9 * 4
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
   9 Chaos Cultists, 36 pts = 9 * 4
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
   9 Chaos Cultists, 36 pts = 9 * 4
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
   9 Chaos Cultists, 36 pts = 9 * 4
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
   9 Chaos Cultists, 36 pts = 9 * 4
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn (5#, 150 pts)
   5 Chaos Spawn, 150 pts = 5 * 30

Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
   1 Heldrake, 170 pts

Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
   1 Heldrake, 170 pts

Heavy Support: Obliterator (3#, 237 pts)
   3 Obliterator, 237 pts = 3 * 79 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6 + Veterans of the Long War 3)

Heavy Support: Maulerfiend (1#, 125 pts)
   1 Maulerfiend, 125 pts

Heavy Support: Maulerfiend (1#, 125 pts)
   1 Maulerfiend, 125 pts

Elite: Chosen (5#, 173 pts)
   4 Chosen, 144 pts = 4 * 21 (base cost 18 + Mark of Nurgle 3) + Plasma gun x4 60
      1 Chosen Champion, 29 pts = (base cost 18 + Melta Bombs 5 + Mark of Nurgle 3 + Combi-Boltgun 3)

Aegis Defence Lines (2#, 85 pts)
   1 Aegis Defence Lines, 50 pts
      1 Gun Emplacement, 35 pts = (base cost 0 + Icarus Lascannon 35)

  1. Cheap Durable Scoring Units: Well...kinda sort of.  The units are cheap.  Stock cultists are as cheap as the get but they aren't durable.  The Aegis gives them some survivability but they are designed to just get to objectives and pray they the rest of the list keeps things busy. They didn't do too well.  Only really surviving against the two IG armies I faced and one SM.
  2. Something to Deal with Hordes/Blobs: Drakes primarily.  Oblitz can serve that as well and mauler fiends to a lesser extent.  Drakes are built for this.
  3. Something to Deal with LOW AV (10-12): Lots can handle this. The Chosen I threw in there were designed for this.
  4. AV 13 and 14: Man oh man does this list suck at that.  Maulerfiends and Oblitz are the only items I have that can deal that much pain. Icarus and Chosen but that requires a degree of luck.
  5. Monstrous Creatures: Again, not much.
  6. Flyers: The best defense are the cultists and the Icarus.  Cultists spread out and the gun shoots them down.  Drakes and Oblitz can be successful as well.  
In the six games, how did it do? I went two and 4 giving up a close game to Mike's Marines and getting smacked in the face by Eldar/DEldar twice. Like I said it shined against IG.  

The main issue is I went for a Maximum Threat Overload (MTO) list but most of my threats relied on CC.  I had to get up close and personal and it didn't work most of the time.  I had to pray the drakes came on in time but when they didn't my lines folded.

How would I improve this list after 6 games?  Easiest way is to add allies. Since Chaos is buds with everyone's favorite allies, let's add IG.  

1850 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - Khorne Juggernaught IG  Sorcerer remix 1850

Total Roster Cost: 1846

HQ: Chaos Lord (1#, 170 pts)
   1 Chaos Lord, 135 pts = (base cost 65 + Mark of Khorne 10 + Sigil of Corruption 25 + Juggernaut of Khorne 35)
      1 Axe of Blind Fury, 35 pts

HQ: Sorcerer (1#, 175 pts)
   1 Sorcerer, 175 pts = (base cost 60 + Melta Bombs 5 + Increase Mastery Level x2 50 + Sigil of Corruption 25 + Spell Familiar 15) + Chaos Bike 20

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
   9 Chaos Cultists, 36 pts = 9 * 4
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
   9 Chaos Cultists, 36 pts = 9 * 4
      1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn (5#, 150 pts)
   5 Chaos Spawn, 150 pts = 5 * 30

Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
   1 Heldrake, 170 pts

Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
   1 Heldrake, 170 pts

Heavy Support: Obliterator (2#, 158 pts)
   2 Obliterator, 158 pts = 2 * 79 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6 + Veterans of the Long War 3)

Heavy Support: Obliterator (2#, 158 pts)
   2 Obliterator, 158 pts = 2 * 79 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6 + Veterans of the Long War 3)

Heavy Support: Forgefiend (1#, 175 pts)
   1 Forgefiend, 175 pts

HQ: Lord Commissar (1#, 70 pts)
   1 Lord Commissar (HQ) [Guard], 70 pts

Troops: Infantry Platoon (35#, 190 pts)
   1 Infantry Platoon (Troops) [Guard], 0 pts
      4 Platoon Command Squad [Guard], 24 pts = 4 * 6
         1 Platoon Commander [Guard], 11 pts = (base cost 6 + Melta Bombs 5)
      9 Infantry Squad [Guard], 45 pts = 9 * 5
         1 Sergeant [Guard], 10 pts = (base cost 5 + Melta Bombs 5)
      9 Infantry Squad [Guard], 45 pts = 9 * 5
         1 Sergeant [Guard], 5 pts
      9 Infantry Squad [Guard], 45 pts = 9 * 5
         1 Sergeant [Guard], 5 pts

Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher (1#, 160 pts)
   1 Manticore Rocket Launcher (Heavy) [Guard], 160 pts

Here we get a better scoring option with the guard and add some real anti-AV13/14.  The Forgefiend provides some nice shots down range and then we got two Oblitz for multi-purpose attacks.  I took off the power axe from the Lord and gave him the Axe of Blind Fury.  He attacks at initiative and has the potential for more attacks.  Yes, one 6th of the time he gets a wound but that is acceptable.

The one area of concern is the HQs and Spawn.  They are a big target and have to be in your face.  I think for this list, that is what we want though.

Next week, I plan to talk a little about meta.  It's pretty big when you deal with tournaments and list building. Plus the 11th Company podcast had a nice segment on it.